The Real Heroes of this Endeavor

UW Formula Motorsports operates primarily on sponsorship. Racing is not an easy industry to fund, and almost every part on the car is either intended for a niche industry or custom designed in-house. Support from our sponsor can be anything from monetary support, to discounts on parts or software, or even imparting knowledge.

Without the generous contributions of our sponsors our team would not exist, and we are extremely grateful for their efforts year after year, to enhance our education at the university.

Diamond Sponsor


We are excited to announce a new sponsorship this season with Ford! Ford has generously granted us wind tunnel testing time at their world class facilities to help us measure the performance of our vehicle and to conduct validation on our aerodynamics package.

Platinum Sponsor


UWFM would like to welcome Zoltek as a new platinum sponsor this season! We are super excited to work with them. Zoltek is a world leader in carbon fiber production. By using their proprietary manufacturing process they are able to provide low cost, high performance carbon fiber.


Multimatic supplies innovative components, systems, and engineering services to customers around the world. We would like to thank Multimatic for being a long time supporter of UWFM!

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Educational Sponsors